Wednesday, May 17, 2006

School's out

Kaleb's last day of preschool was today. I didn't expect to get sentimental about it...but this morning the monumental importance of our first school experience suddenly hit me.

K has grown up so much in the last year...gained independence and confidence. I won't soon forget his excitement at bedtime when he realized that "tomorrow is Monday (or Wednesday)...schooltime!!" Or the pride in his eyes when he brought home a new proh-ject. Or his ramblings about playing (and fighting!) with Toby and Lindsay - his favorite preschool pals. Mrs. W and Mrs. R are the first people outside of our family that have played a major role in Kaleb's upbringing. I'm so thankful to have had such wonderful teachers help to shape Kaleb's view of "school". I spent my three hours *off* this morning searching for the perfect gift and making a photo thank you card for his teachers. The tears in their eyes made the last minute scrambling worth it.

Preschool has given me a glimpse of what loosening the ties that hold us together so strongly will be like in the future. It may only be for a few hours a week now...but it is just the beginning on the road to independence. My baby is growing up.


Anonymous said...

I know just how you feel. My two year old son had his last day of preschool today. I didn't expect to get so sad either. He's just growing up so fast.

Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! It goes by to fast dosn't it? He is so cute and I *LOVE* this shot of him!!