Monday, September 18, 2006


This may be a new favorite of mine. I can't quite put my finger on why...but I like it. Something about her posture and her classic look I think...

And a few others from her family's session...

And just for fun...


Mom-entarily Out of Order said...

Oh the 1st one has a very 1950's feel. I personally think it is her hair style combined with the ribbon in her hair. Very retro!

Anonymous said...

oh those CURLS . . . and the way her eyelashes fall against her cheeks in the 4th shot. She looks like a doll (who is full of mischief).

I like the timelessness of the first one too. That photo will continue to be perfect, twenty, thirty years from now. Maybe that's what is so riveting about your work, Stace . . . your photos will never end up in the "embarrassing Olan Mills" file, complete with the shag carpet backgrounds. . .

how are you, anyway?

Anonymous said...

hahaha! love that last one. life with girls... a laugh a minute.

Becky said...

The first one, has a bit of a Liz Taylor-ish in National Velvet sort of look. I love it.