Sunday, February 26, 2006

Photographer's Kid

Why is it so difficult for photographers to capture their own kids? I hear that again and again. And it's true. Maybe because we've used up the novelty of the camera practicing? Maybe because our artistic vision gets in the way? Maybe we are too picky? I'm not sure. I have countless photos of my oldest son, Kaleb, but I when I try to choose one that really captures who he is...I'm at a loss. I wish I could show you how he whispers, "You're always my mother" at bedtime...or how he tries to hold back a smile when he's proud of himself...or how he taps his fingertips together when he is excited to talk about something. I just can't seem to capture the moments I love most. Maybe I need to try harder. Or not try so hard. Or maybe those pictures are only supposed to stay in my memories...

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