Saturday, March 11, 2006


Maternity is not my thing. The posing necessary is way out of my comfort zone. However, I really love maternity photos when done well. Here is my go at it...


Anonymous said...

I think you did rather well. The sweater one is just beautiful!

P.S. Great blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Stacy, these are fantastic!!!! The sweater one ROCKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Stacy so nice to see you have a blog. I just adore your style and work. You give me something to aspire to. Can't wait to watch you grow. I hope to just absorb as much as I can.

Love these maternity shots. And all the ones you posted here *sigh*.



Cristina Navarro - New Day Photography said...

I totally agree....maternity (well, adults, in general)'s the posing thing. Not comfortable with it either. These are lovely and in the end, that's what counts!